Plantek Silmet (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Plantek Silmet (Thailand) Co., Ltd. is a unique industrial equipment supplier in Thailand offering one-stop solutions for world leading industrial coding equipment. Our professional service mind is fully applied to our after-market operations: We warrant life-long assistance and sales of spares and consumables to our customers. Together with our highly satisfied customers and supplier partners we have steadily achieved sustainable business growth.
Key to our success are values supported in our mission:
One step ahead
We strive to think ahead of time allowing us to prepare early for new challenges.
Human resources are our capital
We constantly nurture the personal and professional development of our employees including short- and medium-term career planning.
Together we’re stronger
The sum of our team is bigger than the sum of every single individual. We highly support and motivate our employees to work in teams allowing to create win-win situations for all of us.
Everyone’s commitment
The commitment we make to our customers and partners is shared within our company. We as an employer commit to the well-being and happiness our employees and in exchange we they commit to fully dedicate themselves to fulfill their task with customers and company.